Occupational Therapy | NOMS
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Occupational Therapy

NOMS Healthcare occupational therapists are trained to provide physical rehabilitation services to patients of all ages. We guide patients in regaining lost abilities of daily living and functional activities, all while providing encouragement along the way! 

NOMS Healthcare's team of occupational therapists help patients accomplish a treatment plan and learn how to utilize therapeutic devices by administering manual exercises; instructing, encouraging, and assisting in performing physical activities, such as non-manual exercises, ambulatory functional activities, and daily-living activities.

At a Glance

Improve Daily Functions

Occupational therapy helps to improve daily functions of living for patients. Frequently, people will lose the ability to engage in simple, everyday activities due to an accident, aging, or disease. Occupational therapy works to restore lost strength so you can return to your day-to-day life.  


Hand, Wrist, and Elbow Rehab

Occupational hand therapy involves helping patients use writing utensils, silverware, a toothbrush, and other common handheld items. OT patients are often challenged by a cognitive, physical, or sensory disability that affects their physical abilities. 


Traumatic Injuries

Often, when traumatic injuries occur, there is a strong need for occupational therapy rehabilitation. Rehabilitation can help you regain the skills lost or weakened by traumatic injuries.  


Evaluate and Education Patients

The OT Evaluates patient's abilities and level of function to develop a treatment plan, including short and long‐term goals and methods to achieve identified targets. They also provide knowledge and guidance for patients regarding their condition and treatment plan. 


Conditions we Treat

Alzheimer’s Disease Arthritis Autism Birth Defects Brain Injury Fractures Limb Paralysis Multiple Sclerosis Nerve Pain Parkinson’s Disease Spinal Cord Injuries Stroke Traumatic Brain Injury

Services & Treatments

  • Coordination Training
  • Cupping
  • Driver Rehabilitation
  • Education and Management
  • Environment Modification
  • Functional Capacity Evaluations
  • Hand Therapy
  • KT Taping
  • LSVT BIG Treatment
  • Manual Therapy
  • Orthotic/Splint Fitting & Training
  • Pain/Edema Management
  • Scar Management
  • Work Conditioning